Monday, October 19

NonseNse HapPenD iN cOlleGe =p

nonsense happened everywhere in college during this two week..

the first thing is HIDE AND SEEK..
can you imagine we played hide and seek in college's classroom without light??
you'll be walking in the dark searching your friends all..
very funny right?? but..
haha XD

then the second thing is our normal activity..
everywhere also we can snap photo as long as we are there..
in toilet, corridor, ali maju,...,even in the lift also we can snap photos..
hee =)

then the third thing is PLAYING PEPSI COLA at the corridor..
imagine there are so many people passing by but we still can play very nicely..
im actually quite phobia to this game as some accident had happened when i was a kid..
wakakaka ^o^

following is PRESENTATION..
critical thinking presentation and also human communication presentation..
i had seen some good presentation in this two week..
some of them are funny, and some of them are boring..
i had done my critical thinking presentation last week..
today suppose to be my human communication presentation..
unfortunately the class was cancel without knowing the reason..
huhu (wish to finish it faster but i couldn't)

and also many others small small thinging had happened..but i got no time to explain one by one so i just write down all those main thing as above..

there's photos coming~~

loves jo~

mie, carmeni, nirai & jo~~

me nerd??


monkey liying, monkey elo & monkey chris =.=

ugly faces

me(wtf), elo(wtf) & chris(peace) @.@


ladies man

im just playing~~


in the class =)

in the lift =p

excuse me, lesbian not allow in ali maju..

is there any naked photo in ali maju's menu??

PS : after all those happy moments, exam is just next to the corner.. have to start my revision then..wee =)